Jupiter in Taurus: Steady, as She Goes | Some Surprising Correspondences
Planets in Signs Kyle Pierce Planets in Signs Kyle Pierce

Jupiter in Taurus: Steady, as She Goes | Some Surprising Correspondences

Jupiter's time in Taurus offers many lessons about the state of our relationship with those defining fixtures of our lives and within society, and represents an opportunity to re-calibrate and adjust ourselves around them in a healthier more sustainable way. Jupiter in Taurus will not dramatically reshape the world around you, but will alight the path to knowledge of the art of living in the world as it is.

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Solar Dispositions - The Sun through the 12 Signs of the Zodiac
Sun Signs, The Sun Kyle Pierce Sun Signs, The Sun Kyle Pierce

Solar Dispositions - The Sun through the 12 Signs of the Zodiac

The essential nature and function of the Sun in astrology, is that which the Ancient Greeks call Gnosis - knowledge, or the state of knowing. Epistemology is a philosophical discipline which is concerned with the study of the nature of knowledge, how to define it and on what basis can a thing be justified as known. Epistemology would likely hold little utility for the core archetype of the Sun, as the Sun represents the state of knowing which emanates from within. To know is to exist, and to exist is to know - it warrants no justification because it is derived from the truth of one’s own experience. From this place of Gnosis we become aware of ourselves and the world around us, and from this awareness choices are made and actions follow.

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