Astrology Hotline

Zodiac Signs Kyle Pierce Zodiac Signs Kyle Pierce

De-Gendering Capricorn and Stellium Hot-Takes

I think it's maybe worth like, as part of that is we sort of have to recognize how inconsistent our models for gender have been, historically, we have sort of a basis, maybe that's consistent dish, which actually, and this is sort of my argument for why, why maybe it doesn't feel like it applies as well, anymore. The Earth maybe as a feminine sign or a feminine element, is because coldness has, you know, many layers of meaning coldness versus heat have layers outside of this, but one of the components of it is like social status, cold, draws things down, it keeps things still, it brings them down lower, well, heat makes things go up, they rise, they go higher, in terms of like status, and who did you see out in the world 100 years ago, 200 years ago, men, they're out doing things they're out, accomplishing in all the positions of power and achieving everything, while women are supposed to stay home. Stay cold, stay still. And, you know, keep things secure and be afraid all the time. That's like another coldness. Actually, I mean, the positive end of it is promotes thought before action. It's like birth is better at thinking before they act, right. Think of any earth sign.

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Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

The Aspects II - Astrology 101

In the case of the trine, we have events or situations or people coming together because they are very similar because they have a lot in common. And this is that person that you don't even really have to speak to, you can just kind of read each other's minds, because you're so connected to each other. That's how planets in trine to feel about each other planets in Trine are in signs that share the same element. So they're gonna share the same polarity. And the same element, they have a ton in common, the only thing they don't have in common is mode. So they just kind of get each other without having to say anything. And that makes it really easy to get on the same wavelength and offer each other support and also offer each other affirmation. If you share the same values, and the same kind of temperament and the same interests as somebody else, it comes naturally to want to support that person. You know, you're your own sort of personal cheerleading squad and your life, the people that you really feel I've got your back, those are probably people who really share your values and interests.

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Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

Inceptions, Elections and Wedding Fiascos

“Hi, astrology hotline. Love your show. So I have a bit of a weird question for you, too. I'm trying to understand a past event in 2017. My partner and I were planning on getting married. However, we kept on running into strange barriers. For example, even though we called our parents to announce our engagement, both sets of our parents seemed to keep forgetting that the wedding was happening, they had offered to handle some part of it, like renting chairs, and then just not follow through. Meanwhile, multiple friends we asked to be in our wedding party had significant falling outs to different people came to us saying, I'm not going If so and so I was going referring to totally different situations, then a huge wildfire broke out, filling our whole town with smoke. We had planned to do something outside, we ended up canceling the wedding super last minute because it just didn't get put together in time. My question is, what is your take as to what was going on? Also, we're still together and our relationship is stronger than ever. Sometimes we still talk about getting married. So what can we do to avoid a repeat?”

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Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

The North Node and Difficult Time Lords

The North Node (has the) quality of expanding beyond its means, because it doesn't plan so much. It has a goal of, say, overturning the authority, which is making me think of my complaint about the new Star Wars movies… It was like you just had a new Rebel Alliance and a new empire. And my issue with it was not with the movies themselves, it was just the Rebel Alliance and the original set of movies… like what was their plan? Their whole thing was to overturn the Empire and replace it with what they might have had a better idea, but it like didn't really implement like they, they overturned the Empire, but they didn't replace it with a new structure. And comparably, I couldn't find in the new Star Wars like what is this new Rebel Alliances thing? They just don't like the Empire? That's their thing? What are they going to replace the Empire with when they take it over? Or when they overturn it. And that's the essence of the North Node is like, “I just want to overturn it, I want this thing to change, I want this thing to go away. But I don't have a plan for how, how I'm going to implement a new regime afterwards. “

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Houses Kyle Pierce Houses Kyle Pierce

The Houses II - Astrology 101

…marrying your children off used to be how you create alliances with other families as a way of creating connections for people. I think you can also though get children with the fifth house pretty easily when you think about the fact that the Fifth house is getting the inferior trine to the first house, so the first house can sort of call upon the fifth house to some degree, but it's also like putting forth creative energy, you know, trine kind of energy into the fifth house. So it's like, just as like a blanket fifth house, it's the stuff that you put forth into the world. And usually the stuff that kind of pours forth most naturally and easily. When, you're enjoying things, when you're enjoying yourself. So like creating art, creating music, creating this or that things that you create, because it feels good, you're celebrating life. But also when you're having sex, sometimes depending on circumstances, you know, sometimes you naturally put forth a tiny human.

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Houses Kyle Pierce Houses Kyle Pierce

The Houses I - Astrology 101

What the houses are, they're defined by their relationship to the horizon. So we went over the signs, which are similar to houses and that like, there are places and they are places that celestial bodies move through. But in the case of the signs of the zodiac, there are divisions of the ecliptic, which is an imaginary path around the whole earth, that, you know, it appears that the sun moves along that path. And so as the sun moves through the signs of the zodiac, it traces out an entire year from beginning to end. Whereas, you know, the houses are also places that the planets go. But the houses represent the sky, both above and below the horizon. So they're just a way of dividing up the sky. And so the sun will move through all 12 of the houses over a 24 hour period. So they're sort of they're a visual representation of a smaller cycle of time. And when you look at a birth chart, you know, you'll see a big circle that that looks like it's divided into 12 slices of pie. And, you know, the houses that are above the ascendant descendant axis are the houses above the horizon. So that's, you know, the visible sky. And then the other ones are, what is invisible that sort of beneath you. And so it divides up this whole big circle of both the sky you can see and the sky beneath your feet.

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Zodiac Signs Kyle Pierce Zodiac Signs Kyle Pierce

The Signs of the Zodiac III - Astrology 101

With the Sun in Aquarius, you really get almost the archetypal challenger of authority. Whoever is in power right now, Aquarius is there to hold them accountable, think of an investigative journalist, to some degree not so much the investigative, but what journalism is supposed to be is a check on power. And that's was kind of the whole idea of democracy in a sense, or at least American democracy, to have checks and balances and to have, you know, power spread out as opposed to consolidated in one person. And I think that is a strong theme with Aquarius and what Aquarius planets tend to be shooting for. Not that Leo is you know, just trying to be the king and rule the roost. You know, Leo can be fair.

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Zodiac Signs Kyle Pierce Zodiac Signs Kyle Pierce

The Signs of the Zodiac II - Astrology 101

I've heard the joke that Gemini is interested in so many things and wants to follow so many pursuits that it has to split itself into two people to be able to do them all. And you know, when I think of the very Gemini people in my own life, they're constantly surprising me with the number of jobs they've done in fields that have absolutely no connection to one another whatsoever. The number of hobbies they have the number of projects they have on the go, just constantly working on multiple things at a time. Many of which have no common thread connecting them. I don't know how they get the time or how they do not completely burn themselves out. But you know, when you think of the the classical image of mercury with the wings on his feet constantly going, you know, from here to there delivering messages from place to place. So just stopping briefly in every single place, and you know, picking up a bit of information here and there, that tells you a lot about the spirit of the sign of Gemini.

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Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

The Signs of The Zodiac - Astrology 101

An important role that signs play is that they they give the planets responsibilities and places to be they give the planets homes. So each each planet rules one or two signs, the the luminaries, each rule, one sign and the rest of the planets rule two. And the signs that they are sent to rule are called their domiciles, which means home. So that also means that if a planet is an assign that is not their own sign, they're essentially a guest in somebody else's home. So we stick with you know, Venus as an example. If Venus is in Scorpio, a sign that is ruled by Mars, then Venus is staying over at Mars as house basically. And so Mars. Because Mars rules the sign of Scorpio, that's Mars is domicile, Mars has responsibility for what goes on in Scorpio. And so Mars has responsibilities to Venus in a guest host sort of relationship. So when you look at like what sign a planet is in, in your chart, if that planet is not in their own sign, it's always good method of interpretation to look at the planet that does rule that sign and the relationship between them. And that'll give you some more information on you know, how, how's that planet feeling in your chart?

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Astrology Hotline, Podcast Kyle Pierce Astrology Hotline, Podcast Kyle Pierce

The Planets II - Astrology 101

Venus, in its purest form is the art of enjoying things, which is not just shoving, lard down your throat, it's not taking all the fat and the sugar and just stuffing your face with it. It's enjoying things in the right amounts, and at the right time and practicing restraint. Maximizing enjoyment, think like Tantra, where it is all about delaying gratification to maintain pleasure for the longest period of time possible. That's very Venus. After all, Saturn exalts in Venus's sign Libra.

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Astrology Hotline, Podcast Kyle Pierce Astrology Hotline, Podcast Kyle Pierce

The Planets I - Astrology 101

…the whole idea was that the planets themselves were the aspect of God that was supposed to be in charge of creating time itself. So like, time is a byproduct of the planets. And that's why tracking them can tell you like what has happened in the past, but also what's gonna happen in the future. Because that's kind of like their basic function. I forget what it is exactly, but it's just like the whole idea of like, the tripartite God or like, the three part God, it's like a space time, and, I guess, oneness, or like, timelessness and everything like that. And then the planets are that part that speaks specifically of time.

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Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

Why Pluto?

But when you consider the time period (of Pluto’s discovery), around 1930, and building up to that - 1920s, even - we're really talking about the post World War One world, the interwar period between World War One and World War Two. And this was a period where collectively, we're recovering from the trauma that World War One represented. It was the first real encounter with modern warfare, mechanized warfare, impersonal warfare, where people were living in trenches. And war was a truly mechanical experience centered around who could pump the most human bodies into a space with the most firepower at the right time. And it was an extremely dehumanizing experience. People were losing faith in government institutions, and values like patriotism that people used to cling to when fighting wars and joining up with the military. It was the first experience of how apocalyptic technology can be, and the realization that we have the ability to destroy ourselves and each other on a scale like never before.

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