Jupiter in Taurus: Steady, as She Goes | Some Surprising Correspondences

In astrology, Jupiter represents opportunity, expansion, and wisdom. The sign of Taurus represents stability, aesthetic beauty and those fruits born of harmonious relationship with the material world. Jupiter's time in Taurus marks a period of support and expansion for those endeavors which require our continued observance and appreciation of the natural world.

The power the Jupiter draws from the fixed earth of Taurus is not overwhelming, and the gifts he offers may seem mundane, like the socks you receive from your mother on Christmas. The pace and pressure of life often leaves little time for the appreciation of "simple" pleasures such as the smell of wet soil after rain, or the gentle, supportive caress of fine fabric on your skin. Slowing down has intrinsic value, but in doing so you may also discover opportunities and resources that have been part of your environment all along.

Jupiter's time in Taurus offers many lessons about the state of our relationship with those defining fixtures of our lives and within society, and represents an opportunity to re-calibrate and adjust ourselves around them in a healthier more sustainable way. Jupiter in Taurus will not dramatically reshape the world around you, but will alight the path to knowledge of the art of living in the world as it is. The Patreon page will be launching May 22nd, 2023! Subscribing will give you access extended versions of each planet in sign video covering an in depth examination of the planet in each of the 3 Decans/Faces of the sign, monthly Q&A's, discounted readings, and more!



Greetings, everyone, I'm Kyle Pierce. And as we kick off what will be just over a year of Jupiter in the tropical sign of Taurus, between May 16 2023 and may 25 2020. For one take some time to go over the meaning of Jupiter in the sign of Taurus. Wherever Jupiter is placed within the sky at any given time or within a birth chart, Jupiter will tend to want to open doors create opportunities, impart wisdom, and assist in expanding your world view your bank account if possible, and generally have a positive influence. So, we're going to take some time to thoroughly exam exam we're gonna take some time to thoroughly examine Jupiter and Taurus is the general meaning so that you can apply it to interpreting it in your birth chart if you have a Jupiter mentors view or a Jupiter in Taurus native, or apply it to whatever house in your birth chart Jupiter is transiting through for the next year. So if that sounds like something you want to know more about, stick around. While you're at it, like the video subscribe, the like Jupiter and help this channel grow and expand and, you know, share the Good News of the wisdom you've acquired today, but to you know, get an understanding of how Jupiter is gonna tend to operate in Taurus. We want to establish you know what, what is the relationship that Jupiter generally has with Taurus. Taurus is a fixed earth sign. It's ruled by Venus, and it is the exultation of the moon. So Taurus tends to support endeavors of a Venusian and lunar nature, such as art, right? enjoyable experiences, like tasty food, the appreciation of the material world, the beauty that lies within it, as well as the the bounty that it has to offer, which we can use to enrich our lives, make them more enjoyable and have more to share with the people that we care about most right. So that that doesn't seem you know, antithetical to Jupiter right? Seems like there's a bit at least for Jupiter to get down with and Taurus and there is, but I want to take a look at just generally what Jupiter's relationship with earth signs are, we consider Jupiter and just the signs that it rules Rules Sagittarius just a mutable fire sign, and it rules Pisces and mutable water sign and it has its exultation in the sign of cancer. So a cardinal water sign, then because Jupiter is a diurnal planet, a daytime planet on the day team works the day shift, it is assigned a certain kind of rulership, or level of power and authority within diurnal science, daytime signs, which would be the fire and air signs, some type of rulership called a triplicity, rulership, sort of a shared rulership between planets, according to one of the four elements. So we know Jupiter likes fire. Jupiter likes air, Jupiter likes at least two of the water signs, likes Pisces likes cancer and doesn't have a you know, particular beef with Scorpio, right? It's, it's there it can it can be there without too much trouble, right. However, when we get to the earth triplicity the three Earth SIGNS Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, we see that Jupiter has a bit of a rough track record, maybe with the earth triplicity. In Virgo the mutable earth sign, Jupiter finds its detriment tends to struggle in Virgo where we are assessing and calculating and categorizing for things. You know, material things, things of the world substance of the world things you can see, feel, touch, pick up and carry over and give to a friend or hit someone in the face with in Capricorn. Jupiter is in the sign of its fall when we're trying to initiate things in the cold, dry sign of Capricorn. When you're dealing with earthly materials, right? You're inherently have to work against against gravity. Gravity always threatens to bring down our physical structures and all physical things are subject to entropy. While Jupiter likes to build things right likes to bring coherence and stability to wherever it is to whatever it's doing. All the effort and limitations that we're dealing with in Capricorn tends to be a bit of a downer for Jupiter tends to encounter disappointment when the high expectations ambition and optimism of Jupiter encounter the cold Old hard grind of, of Capricorn. However in Taurus, the fixed earth sign of the zodiac, our attention within the earthly plane is focused on what is beauty? What is beautiful and pleasurable about the substance of the earth? How do we bring in our bring ourselves into harmonious relationship with the earth and cultivate it so that it yields things which you know, sustain life, support life and make life more beautiful, enjoyable, pleasurable, tasty, tasty things. So Jupiter likes to grow things right? You don't see you know, glaring dissonance there. Venus is a benefit planet. Jupiter is a benefit planet can even see as sort of relationship between Venus exalting having its exaltation in the sign of Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter, and then Jupiter having its exaltation in the sign of cancer, which is ruled by the moon, both of those planets like it a lot in Taurus. However, if we're looking at things from a central dignity perspective, we don't find that Jupiter enjoys the same, you know, delights as much in the idyllic garden of tourists. The the earthly plane of existence is just a little bit too profane. For Jupiter's tastes, you could say, nonetheless, Jupiter, or wherever it goes, is going to try to be helpful. It's going to try to do Jupiter things to you know, the best of his ability. And one way that, you know, I kind of like to think about Jupiter and tourists like to think about Gandalf. The grey, the wizard, right from Lord of the Rings in the Shire, the land of the hobbits, right? The Shire might be the most Torian place anyone ever dreamed up where the inhabitants are peaceful, sort of engaged in an ongoing celebration of life. They love their home. Their home is beautiful, abundant, and they all love food that they'd love to eat. They have many meals every day. And when Gandalf shows up to the Shire, he's, you know, well received, right? For the most part. He doesn't have like a job at the Shire per se. The Shire folk don't necessarily need Gandalf around. But Gandalf shows up. He has some delightful stories to tell. He can dazzle them with his wizardry. And he generally appreciates the peace loving joyful ways of the Shire folk of the hobbits even has special relationships with some of the habits. The Baggins right he's, you know, bros with Bilbo Baggins, as well as Frodo Baggins. But,


you know, some of the habits might be a little freaked out by what Gandalf is doing. Right? You know, to some of the habits the strange oversized outsider, Gandalf is potentially a bad influence Right? Or might be bringing with him ideas or telling the simple common Shire folk stories of adventure outside that might lead them astray. Right habits don't tend to want to leave the Shire. You know, it's a bit of a of how Jupiter is kind of can be a little out of place in Taurus. Not necessarily unwelcome. But you sort of a novelty to the Shire folk, right? He's his powers are not especially useful to the Shire folk. But he does represent a sort of connection to larger events in the world, that the Shire folk, you know, for the most part, don't mind and some even enjoy. And you know, every now and then Jupiter or Gandalf might have a quest for one simple Shire folk. It may well require them to, to leave home and abandon the simple pleasures of daily existence in the Shire. You know, I think Frodo initially kind of doesn't want to he doesn't want to go necessarily. He likes Gandalf stories. But the task he sort of delivered, delivering to Frodo is a bit too consequential but too grand in scope, right? A bit too, outside of the comfort zone, which is something you might see when Jupiter arrives in Taurus, or one of the themes that you might encounter if you have Jupiter in Taurus natively, is Jupiter is sort of potentially bringing in something that is outside of the Shire folks, comfort zone. So Jupiter in Taurus might describe perhaps being offered an opportunity that is a little bit outside of the comfort zone, or that can be part of what maybe limits the magnificence of Jupiter as the sort of opportunities being offered. You know, you might turn them down because, oh, that seems uncomfortable, or, Oh, I have to leave all these familiar things that I enjoy so much. It can maybe generally describe it the sort of tension that exists between those two impulses. You may find yourself on either side of that dynamic. You Maybe you're the Jupiter. You're the Gandalf with the big quest, that you have to convince maybe an unwilling or reluctant potential questor to go on, maybe delivering something that's a little bit outside the scope of what the bulk of Taurus wants to do. So you know, either had to be a little more creative about it as as the wizard as the Jupiter or you're just not necessarily going to have an easy time influencing, you know, the entire populace of the Shire, maybe you can only get a few, a few on board. Now, it's not to emphasize too much of the limitations that that Jupiter has in Taurus, they're there, but they're not you know, everything about the placement or at about the transit. The reason that I want to at least get us on our first foot, maybe with Jupiter and doors, and its relationship with the sign is to get a sense of, you know, what we can expect in terms of results. You know, when Jupiter shows up in Sagittarius, it's firing on all cylinders, right? The people, if you will, of Sagittarius want to be galvanized, inspired by, you know, a lofty quest, or a higher ideal, they want to be moved to rally, you know, their disparate peoples reconcile their internal divisions, and direct their efforts towards you know, the greater good, the big purpose, the big idea, the big vision, you know, Jupiter is a sky god, right? It works through, you know, the mode of fire or the mode of air more readily, you know, through ideas through passion and movement, enthusiasm. So were in Sagittarius, Jupiter can move fast, bringing in all the mutable mutable fire, you know, summoning the fire spell, so that it can, you know, do can at whatever it wants to. in Taurus, it doesn't quite get to do things like that the material of Taurus is is slower, right? It is like the cultivation of the land, where there's a process, there's an assessment of, you know, what is what is the nature of the land? What are its properties? What is its capacity, what is its potential, Jupiter, is good at identifying potential, but doesn't necessarily want to do all the work. Jupiter is a planet associated with a certain degree of privilege, right? All the wisdom that Jupiter has to offer has acquired its education, its resources, the ability to open doors, or the having access to opportunity, right? Those are things that happen when you are in a position in society where you have privilege, right? Elevated like fire, or air above, above the Earth, Taurus is not assigned. It's not without privilege, right? It's focused on the more enjoyable components of Earth to having a big acid state, right, that has maybe been developed and cultivated and worked on for years and years. And it's optimized and perfectly tuned to the land, so that it delivers, you know, fucking awesome grapes, or apples, or peaches or insert here, tasty things that you can enjoy and maybe sell for a profit. But that sort of abundance takes time to cultivate. And it probably takes a bit of work, as well. Yeah, to get your hands dirty. Jupiter is more of that, that thinking class, or that teaching class or that ruling class, the people in society that historically you know, weren't doing farming weren't plowing the fields, the sort of living on the surplus, and being the maybe guiding influence on the masses, you know, making sure they are protected, making sure they're, they're living wisely, they have access to, to wisdom, so that society continues to function in a cohesive, stable way. And so that it can grow and continue to expand and create more opportunities for people within that society. Jupiter in Taurus might be able to get down on on some of that process, but it has to focus more on the material factors of things. You know, if you're Gandalf, in the Shire, and maybe you've taken up residence in the Shire, and you want to get something done there. You're gonna have to meet the Shire folk on their terms, motivate them with things that the Shire folk like, like festivals at different times of the year and tasty treats and, you know, reasonable spectacles, it'd be harder to convince them to restructure their society in a way that makes them a major producer of weapons in order to go fight the orcs right, you got to work with the material it's available. Now you can imagine that would be a bit of a process right for Gandalf or for a wizard showing up to the Shire. Jupiter has to like adjust to the pace of tours to some degree And meet where it's at. And that's what you tend to see just a historical themes with Jupiter and Taurus is you don't get


that many, you know big world shattering events described by Jupiter and Taurus, you get a lot of helpful supportive influence, sort of general tweaks and improvements that sort of optimize the Torian sphere. Not that I want to sit and talk about food forever with tourists because there's a lot more to tourists than food. However, you do see advances in food production. When Jupiter is in Taurus, you get like the first, the first Piggly Wiggly was a Jupiter in Taurus event for supermarket right, which may not seem earth shattering. However, access to supermarkets currently. And the lack of access to supermarkets is an issue in a lot of urban areas where it's more difficult to acquire affordable, fresh produce, or more affordable and healthy food, which generally negatively impacts the quality of life of the people, the inhabitants and affects, you know, their the outcomes and opportunities available to them in a subtler but more fundamental way. And that's something to focus on. What Jupiter in Taurus is, tends to deliver its abundance or deliver its opportunities and bounty through subtler but more fundamental ways in food is just one of them. But a relevant one. Don't underestimate it. If over the next year you get introduced to a new diet plan, or health food store opens up nearby, it gives you access to affordable, healthier food. Right? While that may not change your life immediately in a big way, you feeling better, you being healthier, makes you more productive, more available to respond to opportunities as they come up, you know, cuts back on medical expenses in the long run, and just improves your quality of life. Right. So don't underestimate those gifts. Food production has been a really pivotable Pivotal, Jesus pivotal point of human advancement throughout history. Take it back to you know pre history. And just learning how to cook food, the addition of fire to meet to grains and vegetables essentially unlocked the nutritional potential hidden within food or unlock more of it, and made it easier to digest did a lot of the work of breaking down complex proteins and fats and such so that we could digest it easier, which freed up time, otherwise spent chewing or gathering food to do other things, you know, to engage in higher endeavors, like building Stonehenge or something. It's also theorized that that is sort of pivotal advancement is what fed the growth of the human brain. So we not only had more time available, but our brains got bigger, we're more well fed and nourished. So we were able to eventually come up with stuff like agriculture, more complex systems of extracting food from the soil from the earth that were more efficient, and allowed us to create more permanent settlements, but also resulted in a surplus of food. Ideally, that supported uh, basically allowed some people to spend their lives making stuff or coming up with ideas or inventing things are creating rules for other people are creating ideas about you know, making life more meaningful, creating art that made more life more beautiful. There's a general theme around making resources more accessible to people more affordable. Whenever Jupiter is in Taurus, you know, things like canned food, right? Or even processed food. Wow, you know, we don't necessarily love them for health reasons, or, you know, some of the ingredients that are added, you know, aren't our favorite, may have negative health outcomes, but they also make it possible to feed people on a massive scale, as much as I love organic food and try to get it as much as possible. The reality of it is we can't actually sustain we don't have the capacity to sustainably feed everybody in the world, organic produce, you know, grain fed chicken cows, which is, you know, a big problem, right. But you know, in that context, things like genetically modified organisms, foods, right, which I know is a controversial topic. Sure, it's going to become relevant over the next year or so, or more relevant, but you know, theoretically if done right, it makes it possible to defeat people on the level that we need to be able to feed people. Now while I haven't found the direct link between Jupiter and Taurus and genetic We modified organisms, canned food, which was pretty groundbreaking in terms of making it possible to preserve food and distribute it over longer distances to more diverse populations. The patent for canned food was granted to Peter Durant in 1810, when Jupiter was in Taurus, right at the end, we've already mentioned sliced bread was sold for the first time in 1928, when Jupiter was in Taurus, to get the first Piggly Wiggly, I also mentioned that first first supermarket, just to get the first Dairy Queen to believe the like 1940 41. Jupiter was in Taurus, as well as the first KFC in 1952, Jupiter in Taurus, which, you know, may not be descriptive of the quality that different doors might make available. But Dairy Queen is actually pretty, pretty good. Actually pretty good burgers and stuff. But you know, it's the making accessible, tasty things, right? Food that not necessarily, or not only nourishes the body, or maybe doesn't necessarily nourish the body, but maybe nourishes the soul, right? Everything in moderation, of course. But also themes around the idea of like sustainability, maintaining sustainable relationship with the land, with food production. Certainly a topic that Jupiter and the sign of Taurus generally can, can Jive on, you get the establishment of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, for example, believe that was in 1928. So again, you know, maybe not the sexiest, most groundbreaking forms of making the world a better place for everybody. However, this these are things that are needed in the world as a whole. So I'm hoping to see you know, some measures taken to promote, you know, maybe some more sustainable agricultural practices, big soil erosion problems, and perhaps some, you know, interesting inventions we do have Uranus in Taurus, I haven't looked closely at the last time Uranus was in Taurus, but leave it may have been in Taurus in 1928, don't quote me on that. But especially once the north node gets out of Taurus, which will be in the next month or two, she get a bit more of that injection of some sober sustainable Jupiter in Taurus to hopefully improve the conditions of food production and distribution. But I can tell you there's a lot more to Jupiter in Taurus than just food, right? It's actually a pretty small part of what Jupiter in Taurus often delivers. Definitely a strong theme around general social improvements around labor, like workers rights, the sort of tourist ideal is this stable sustainable like rhythmic harmony between you know, work and life you know, that work life balance, Jupiter had, Jupiter can lend quite a bit of of wisdom introduced some coherence and opportunities to create more coherent relationship. With that, I think collectively we're in a pretty unbalanced place when it comes to to work and life, especially speaking for myself at least, with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus for the last year and a half together, not particularly conducive to stable or sustainable relationships with this idea of work life balance, but there's a long track record with Jupiter in Taurus, you get child labor laws in the United States, as well as work mins compensation was established in 1916. Jupiter was in Taurus in 1917, when Jupiter still in Taurus Supreme Court upheld eight hour workday for railroad employees, which set a precedent for the kind of model of the eight hour workweek. Around the same time, you had a Congress passing the first excess profits tax on corporations, maybe not as directly associated to labor, but this at least


attempt or measure to introduce some coherence to the distribution of wealth to you know, maybe curtail some of the greed that can exist in Taurus, which Jupiter can fall prey to in certain circumstances. But generally, Jupiter brings a moralizing perspective to wherever it is and wants to bring things back into to towards the middle a little more. Wow. You know, you can't really ignore the fact that Jupiter is, is, in general supportive of something of a hierarchy, right? It's, it's not inherently, you know, trying to create a total equanimity between all people, right, Jupiter's, by and large fine with hierarchy as long as it's coherent, and it supports everybody within that system. Venus is a little more interested in equanimity, right. And Jupiter is at Venus's disposal, so he has to play by Venus's rules a little bit. So see how maybe some of the policy that gets introduced is going to at least try to steer things in that direction, which I think least some of us can agree is a needed thing. Not that I'm trying to create a political debate in the comments or anything, but you also get 1940 when Jupiter was in Taurus, the Fair Labor Standards that were established in 1938, which is before Jupiter in Taurus, might have been Jupiter and Pisces. But that actually comes into effect. And with it, minimum wage was implemented and 44 Hour Workweek, was kind of established as the standard and that's something you'll see with Jupiter and Taurus is it's not always operating in the, you know, creating the big thing on its own in the moment in that time, but sort of functioning as a bit of a bridge between bigger moments, maybe in history, sort of lead between Jupiter being really powerful in Pisces, and Jupiter being really strong in in cancer, right you get Jupiter in Taurus, sort of connecting the dots or maybe connecting the policy you know, supporting things that were initiated before carrying them through which is a definitely quality that Jupiter seems to bring in tourists when it comes to women, women's rights, civil rights, a lot of progress made historically when Jupiter's in Taurus effect in 1916 Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in the United States I do think you'd have to look at that is a bit of a collaborative effort between Jupiter and Saturn Saturn was in cancer at the time, which is you know, the sign of Jupiter's exultation stupid or having a positive influence on Saturn and adding a level of empowerment empowering women to say no or to to create a boundaries and structure around their their uterus is right there the cancer parts zalto When you're just dealing with just Jupiter, you know it's not going to necessarily do things that are going to be inhibitory. In particular, without some collaboration with Saturn This is where you know Saturn and Jupiter balance each other out too much Jupiter too much unchecked growth right and things get out of control too much cetera and you know, not enough growth. Interesting Lee though. Margaret singer, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was arrested for obscenity, advocating for for birth control at the time was Saturday, right? The day after Jupiter retrograde back into Aries. It's not to laugh at like what it will be a serious, serious thing, right? But sort of tells you a lot about Jupiter maybe switching teams to some degree going back into Aries. Not that Jupiter in Aries is always working on behalf of the patriarchy, right. But when Jupiter is in Taurus, it's working for Venus. Right? It's working on behalf of Venus. And while it would be rather narrow minded or an oversimplification of what Taurus is about, but and what Venus is about, but Venus traditionally signified women and women's issues, if you will. Or think you can, you can you could say that Taurus is a sign that, among other things is dealing with and supporting issues that often pertain to to women and people with wounds, you know, it's a little more specifically in cancer, where like the emphasis on on reproduction, the you know, gestation and you know, growing babies in your bed and your your, your body is a little more specifically rooted in cancer, but Taurus is the exultation of the moon. So topics related to reproductive health, Jupiter is going to, you know, try to advocate for, you know, coherent policy around issues pertaining to reproductive health. I think many of us could agree that some coherence is much needed in that sphere these days, so, hopefully something to look forward to Jupiter in Taurus. But even with Jupiter in Taurus, you know, you don't always get like the big events like women's suffrage. In the United States at least, I believe it was established in New Zealand during Jupiter and Taurus, but you do find a lot of like major benchmarks and points of important progress around women's rights civil rights in 1917. While Jupiter still in Taurus, you get the first female member of the US House of Representatives, Jeanette Rankin, just actually before women's suffrage was even established. So important benchmark I would say just to get things like the first female officer in the US Navy, right when Jupiter's in Taurus 1928, you get the British Parliament reducing the age that women could vote at to be the same as men, you know, not the big thing, but like the progress towards more more equal. You know, things like the first women's Olympic track event in 1928 first female British cabinet minister 1952 women get the right to vote in Greece. You didn't get the first birth first ever televised birth. What was that 1952 Jupiter was in Taurus, which, as well as the first acknowledged pregnancy on TV. And I Love Lucy, just notable just in advancing the like normalization of things like pregnancy and childbirth, where it's not like, some gross thing that women deal with that we don't acknowledge on TV, right? It is bringing,


bringing those topics around, not just like women, specifically, but sexuality, bringing those topics into a more balanced and cohesive relationship with culture as a whole. In this case, in the United States, you actually had the first successful sexual reassignment operation when Jupiter's in Taurus in 1958. And, you know, I could go on and on about the specifics here, but I think you get the point. Jupiter in Taurus seems to bring, you know his wise counsel and sort of bird's eye perspective on the topic of sexuality, and you know, supporting the enjoyment of of pleasurable activities of all kinds, but sex being one of them. I know that Scorpio right gets this reputation for being the sexiest sign of the zodiac, right. And I'm often kind of surprised at how rarely Taurus gets brought up in that discussion. But come on, guys, no one knows how to no sign is more about the enjoyment of sensual physical experiences than Taurus, right. You get a lot of the first sex education programs and even developments in sex education when Jupiter's in Taurus, but um, the other things you'll see with Jupiter in Taurus, too, is a lot of advancement in the film industry, which kind of surprised me. I had always kind of associated a film specifically in photography with Neptune, which may well be the case. You know, I can't pin all advancements and film on Jupiter in Taurus. However, you do see a lot of the big advancements in film and entertainment being introduced when Jupiter is in Taurus. See, not to turn this into a giant of reading off of dates. But the first first demonstration of color television transmission 1928 when Jupiter was in Taurus, the first all talking motion picture shows in New York 1928 Jupiter's and tourists. They call them talkies, right. But the first movies with with sound, with people talking in them other than sound other than just like music that was played over the back backdrop of a silent film. I would call that a pretty significant advancement and cinema and entertainment in general. The first ever TV drama was broadcast in the New York area, it was called Queens messenger get the patent patent on the icon of scope TV system. Right this like introduction of things that will eventually be staples in a lot of it's specifically in like television and film, but an entertainment in general seems come up a lot with like jazz, and sort of big movements in music in genre formation. See that with Jupiter in Taurus, but you also get the first regularly scheduled TV broadcasts three nights a week. First of all color talking picture as well on the tail end of Jupiter in Taurus in 1929. With music billboard publishes the first singles record chart in 1940 Jupiter in Taurus, she's actually you know, very Jupiter in Taurus it's, it's not necessarily the art itself, because Jupiter by itself isn't really an arty an artiste, right? It's a becomes relevant to art and has an interesting way of operating within the sphere of art when it's in Taurus, but it's a publication that is distributed to expose people right to new music to the best music, right to broaden their worldview and introduce them to high quality music by best also, you know, just became a standard for for musicians like to get on that though on the billboard on the top 100 exposes people to you and is usually a big boon to musicians career wise the Jupiter supports supports the arts and tourists and you know, I'm you're gonna have to indulge me because I just found the TV stuff so interesting. 1952 I Love Lucy, the famous episode with the Vida Vida regimen. Whenever the when she does a TV commercial that premieres Jupiter's in tourists and it gets 68% of US television viewers, which is a big deal. The time a soap opera is starting to move from radio and television to actually has kind of a funny Jupiter in Taurus to some degree soap opera, where it's apt to introduce too much of my own opinion about soap operas, but it's a bit of overacting that takes place with soap operas to heighten the drama a little bit. She's a little more Jupiter in Taurus and Venus right Venus is a little more balanced, but they could just be an opinion. Closed Circuit pay TV, telecast of sports events. First one, Jupiter in Taurus. 5050 To 9050 to another TV staple, right? Pay Per View. The origins of pay per view, the first high ultra high frequency television station for video recording on magnetic tape, like first tape, first 3d feature film premiered during a Jupiter in Taurus. I'll stop because it does go on a lot of big firsts in sort of major benchmarks in the quality of film, you know, I didn't get as far as to like when DVDs first came out or when blu rays first came out that would be interested, interesting to look at. Wonder if the first like flat screen might have been Jupiter in Taurus. So I don't know but strong themes and I think the interesting to see what advancements we might encounter and in terms of film in terms of cinema, usually good, good years for movie movies in general, or even just TV, but interesting theme around animation as well. A lot of the beloved cartoon characters that we all know and love, introduced during Jupiter and Taurus, Mickey Mouse, Popeye, Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker, all made their debut either in comics or in animated film, right? During Jupiter in Taurus. Actually, Jupiter in Taurus shows up in the charts of a lot of prominent animators as well. Which is interesting. I don't know why. I would directly link it to animation specifically, but I can tell you maybe just as a as a Jupiter in Taurus native myself, much of my teenage years were spent nurturing an ambition to become an animator, like made a little animations, publish them on the internet, you know, wanted to make animation for living and still love animation. So if you have thoughts on on why Jupiter in particular might be relevant to the topic of animation. I haven't quite put it together in my head, but if you have, please share it with me personally or in the show. In the comments, we'd love to hear it. Cat TV Guide, first issue of the TV Guide. It's published under Jupiter in Taurus, their entertainment fixture I've probably gone on about this a little too long. I'm gonna move on. But you do see a general support and maybe elevation of art forms with Jupiter and Taurus. Jupiter has that that quality of of trying to elevate things a little more than Venus does. Venus so better meeting you where you're at. And Jupiter can do that too. But it's, it's the sky god, you know, it's uplifting in nature. So when Jupiter comes to tourists and starts, you know, playing with the idea of art, it's A little less focused on the aesthetic appreciation than say Venus is, which is, you know, art for the sake of just delivering you a beautiful experience. Jupiter wants to deliver you, you know an aesthetically pleasing experience in Jupiter and Taurus but also wants to deliver a message of some kind deliver a meaningful statement through art, which I will probably get a lot more in depth with with that topic when I go through Jupiter in each of the three decades of Taurus, which I'll be publishing on Patreon sometime in the next few weeks. But definitely, some interesting stuff comes up with Jupiter in Taurus and artists there, it can be a little bit of an art snob sometimes. Again, it's a little high minded to be like an immediate natural fit. And Taurus, however, is just a general placement. And this would apply to many things outside of art but Jupiter you know, if you are an artist, and you have Jupiter in Taurus, or you are going through a transit with Jupiter in Taurus, you know, look at what house that's in for you. Because Jupiter often looks like a benefactor or patron of some kind. Somebody who wants to to open doors for you. And Jupiter in Taurus is going to be interested in creating opportunities for artists, certainly to keep an eye out if you're trying to, to get your art out to a broader audience, right, Jupiter. Now I think we've covered pretty, pretty reasonably some of the ways that Jupiter lends his particular skill set


manner of bestowing beneficence on the topics and interests of tourists right of working as an agent on Venus's behalf. But I want to shift focus a little bit, which might be a subtle shift. But I think a relevant one is when you're dealing with any planet, in a sign other than its own, it has to be a little more creative with how it attends to its own interests, right? Some degree it has to sort of work for or under the law of the planet that it's in the sign that it's in and the ruling planet have that sign. But it's still you know, it has its own houses its own signs to take care of, and its own just general interests, things that the planet wants to do. So I want to talk a little bit about some of the more strictly strictly some of the ways that Jupiter approaches, doing things that it wants to do when it's in Taurus. And one of those things is, broadly speaking, the idea of like religion or spirituality. You know, one of the signs that Jupiter rules Pisces, right, it's a part of Jupiter's sphere of operation is creating that connection between our physical embodied world and that which is unseen, which lies beyond, you know, the scope of the veil, or which lies beyond the visible, the concretely knowable, the eternal and divine, right? That's the Pisces stuff. And while Jupiter has a better aspect with Pisces from sign of Taurus than it does with Sagittarius Taurus is an aversion to Sagittarius doesn't have any kind of aspect with sedge. It's a lot more alien, alienated maybe to Sagittarius, to some degree has a sextile with Pisces, so it will tend to have an easier time working with planets, maybe in Pisces and cooperating with them. There's just a little more commonality between Taurus and Pisces. They're both you know, more centrally oriented, a little more embodied a little more felt, and more contemplative. The, you know, they're nocturnal signs. There's, I don't always like the word passive, but there's a more of a sitting back and observing a little more than actively trying to shift and change everything around you. Like Sagittarius is fire, right? When fire is introduced to something. It changes it irrevocably, for the most part, you know, fire transforms, it turns, you know, most things to carbon. But, you know, if you cook something, it totally changes the molecular structure of that item. And you can't reverse it. So the nature of fire, right, but earthen water, there's more of an Acklam that is acclimating to what is or just dealing with what is maybe reshaping it. But um, yeah, so you'll see Jupiter and Taurus in general, when it's trying to build a worldview, you know, create a sense of meaning to answer those big questions of why, what does it all mean? Why are we here? Is there a god or Are there God's, you know, and what is my relationship with them? Or what is my relationship with the world at large the world that exists? Around me that is bigger than me, and how can I connect to it and expand into it? Right? So, you know, Jupiter's primary actions, right, it's always trying to do those things. And a lot of what Jupiter in Taurus is very good at is observing things and coming to an understanding with the way things are the state of things, as they are the state of the material world that can be seen and felt and tasted, tasted and touched, you know, brings that that eagle eye to those topics, dwell not inherently the sort of interests that Jupiter is naturally inclined to, you know, it's, it's wants to be more upward looking. The focus, you could almost say it's a little more downward, right? It's soon encountering an inherent sort of MIDI limitation. Earth is just not as flexible and changeable as water. And it's not as reliable or as rapidly effectiveness a instrument of delivering a grand vision, right with as fire or creating change as fire. Earth is heavy, it is downward. In orientation, it settles, it's at the bottom right, which you know, Earth kind of comes with that, that quality of it's not is inherently prone to rise in station as maybe fire signs or air signs are because just like a Taurus likes to be comfortable. It doesn't. Taurus planets aren't as interested maybe in rising in station in the same way. There's a lot of ambition in earth signs in general and in Taurus, but say in Taurus, you don't, you don't climb to the top of the hierarchy, maybe in the Shire, by making a lot of noise and making a big slug splash, you know, in fact, in the Shire, there isn't a really notable hierarchy, you know, maybe you can be Bilbo Baggins and be kind of famous throughout the Shire. But for the most part, you're still kind of just chilling and doing the things that Bilbo Baggins likes to do. But regardless, you know, you can see that Jupiter is going to still apply that that focus to those topics of Taurus, but there's some obvious, maybe limitation, right? It's often hard for people with Jupiter in Taurus to see beyond the material, you know, Jupiter and sedge has access to that, that divine fire that, you know, connection to the godly source, that inspiration that comes from someplace unknown. And, you know, I just know that this is the path that I must follow, right? That's Jupiter and saj, Jupiter and Pisces is, you know, feels that connection with the ineffable, the eternal with the beyond, it's kind of always keeping one foot in the material and another in the unseen. Trying to, to be the bridge, be the connection between those two places in Taurus, Jupiter, can only kind of see what's around it, and is going to still look for connection right to, to the Divine, if you will, you can even hear Jupiter in Taurus native, and I can't say words like the divine with a straight face. Not that spirituality is not possible with Jupiter in Taurus or not even a desired thing, it's definitely a desired thing. It's just that Jupiter is going to look for it. Look for evidence of it in, in the material in lived experience in what it can see what it can feel and taste, it's a little hard to internalize a sense of knowing that a higher power exists beyond what we can see. Because it just doesn't quite have it's a little too grounded to have access in the same way. So you will see more skepticism with earth Jupiter's in general, say that Jupiter in Taurus is a little, I'm certainly less skeptical, probably a little less skeptical. And maybe a little less concerned about it on its own as a as a just a Jupiter. Because there's plenty of things, beautiful things in the material world that can make life enjoyable, or more meaningful, but there's often a sense of like, of missing something and missing that connection that Jupiter wants. And that is sometimes you'll see the recreation of of that connection through x in the physical, physical space or trying to, to find it through things like art, but that's not going to be everybody But almost like building a philosophy, building a sense of connection to the divine through the daily rhythm of life, second nature worship or even animism, since that, that divine essence is is right here. Right? It's in everything around us, you know, when working well, you know, confined the divine in the material be understands that the material is potentially just as divine as all that highfalutin fire shit up in the sky, you know, you know, it'll try to like, bring that sense of elevation to activities that you know, say Venus and Taurus isn't trying to necessarily incorporate the Mexican food that she ordered the awesome movie that she watched the amazing sex that she had it into, like a grand narrative about what it means to exist. In the same way that Jupiter's maybe trying to do that, to you can get interesting results, obviously, trying to create that in the physical space. But you know, it's obviously just not the easiest, right? And you can imagine maybe, Gandalf after he spent so much time in the Shire, you know, maybe getting bummed out missing his wizard friends, missing access to his wizard things and whatever the cool wizard shit is that they have elsewhere maybe gets bummed out that the Shire folk don't want to do magic with them, or maybe only a few of them do. And they maybe they aren't that great at it,


I don't know. And that can be a bit of a bummer, right. But you can also see maybe a Gandalf that gets so wrapped up in Shire life that he forgets his wizarding ways, you know, he loses some of the the magic that he had, when he was doing whatever the fuck was it to do in the rest of, of Middle Earth. So you'll sometimes see some difficulty in sort of soul searching. Or sometimes you'll see just a focus on life as it is, rather than even trying to search for that stuff. And that's one thing I've seen Jupiter in Taurus a lot in, in athletes, and particularly, I guess, martial artists, because I've looked at a lot of martial arts charts, but athletes in general, which is interesting, because it wasn't immediately obvious to me, maybe, why that might be. But a lot of like, being an athlete is really building your life around the pursuit of achievement, in whatever sport, you're doing changes, like devoting everything to, to that to being the best to being amazing. There's like whole routines you build out of it, and diet plans and exercise plans. So that like pouring your essence into an elevated thing, it goes into a very physical embodied activity, and then maybe the gaining of mastery over over, you know, doing something really awesome. Martial Arts is easier for me were like, really amazing martial artists are magnificent to watch, they are their artists, you know, for a reason. They also are, they're sculptors of themselves, you know, they're sculpting themselves out of their own bodies, right there, you know, and it's really body builders, but they're, like doing the savage thing, which is like, bringing everything together towards a, you know, a unified purpose. That becomes more embodied when Jupiter is in Taurus, where it's like, bringing everything that I am in my whole life around, not as much an ideal, but like a thing that can be seen and witnessed, you know, creating a body of work, you know, maybe in academia or maybe in really any like profession or activity, but like the that wanting to be accumulate evidence of accomplishment, that can be seen, you know, I made this or I built this, or I got this result from with this person. And look, you can see testimony to all these things that I've accomplished that I've done, or evidence of the ways that I've made this thing or that thing or whatever a better place that I've grown it and cultivated over time, because the expanding into the world does not happen fast with Jupiter and Taurus. It's a slow Jupiter, it doesn't launch at the speed of an arrow into the sky. It launches at the speed of corn stock growing out of the ground, right? It's it's not super fast. But it does tend to be sustainable. It's just a little slower than maybe we would want when it's in Taurus. But I wanted to say a little bit more about just philosophy specifically in spirituality, because you get some interesting results. And one in particular, that I want to share one example, say of a of maybe somebody who left the strong imprint of Jupiter in Taurus is philosophy in their work in the world, specifically within the topic of philosophy, or spirituality is Baruch Spinoza, 17th century writer, philosopher, maybe theologian, though I don't know if you'd call him that specifically. And with his birth chart, it C rated. So we don't know how reliable the birth time is. But we do get an Aries rising, which, you know, whether it's an Aries rising or not. It may not seem like Jupiter's particularly potent from the second house, second hole sign house, you know, it's not a particularly visible house. It's kind of under the, the earth if you're using, you know, maybe plus Sidious house system, Jupiter would be in the first but you know, Jupiter is not really ruling an angle on the chart, if it's Aries rising, but what Jupiter is doing is ruling a big old stack of Sagittarius planets. And if it's Aries rising, it's in the ninth house. Those sach planets. So while maybe you're seeing the Saj planets, right, you're seeing that the philosophy happening the the mutable fire are the the substance or topics of that fire, that are being woven together into a cohesive narrative. And he's forming a decisive conclusive opinion about you know, what the fuck the world is. That is all being delivered via Jupiter and Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus is delivering that stuff to the sedge planets. So while the sedge planets may speak louder, because there's so many of them, that Jupiter kind of wherever it is, in the chart is going to have a lot of say, in spinosus life in his work, because because it rules so many planets in his chart, and you can really see the signature of Jupiter and Taurus in the subject matter of his philosophy. Jupiter in Taurus isn't necessarily going to do the kind of things that Spinoza did on his own, make his life about philosophy and writing and explaining the entirety of the world and creation by itself. But the sad planets want to do that, and they have to talk to Jupiter to to get their ideas. And there's even a mutual reception between Venus and Jupiter. Venus is in Sagittarius. Jupiter is in Taurus. So they're, they're swapping signs. So even without the aspect there, there's communication going on. So with Baruch Spinoza, he's a Dutch gentleman, born in a Jewish community in the Netherlands, and he was actually excommunicated. We don't know specifically why, most likely, because of some of the ideas that he, you know, ended up writing about, they were a little controversial, but they were upsetting enough to the Jewish community to boot him out. But he didn't, you know, convert to Catholicism or any other religion. And instead, he wrote extensively about a, by his ideas that can probably most be the can probably probably be most accurately described in modern terms as a sort of pantheism, or maybe animism, where he basically posited that God is not a being like there is no percentage of of God, the way that most religious religions at the time, and two or three to this day, tend to want to construct God as like this other higher, greater being outside of us. Rather, he saw God as, as everything and everything as God, that the natural world, nature itself was God. And then in a sense, we were all God as well. And that the best thing you can do to live a happy life was to connect in and live harmoniously with, with nature with natural law, because that, in fact, was God that in fact, was divine. Or is, you know, according to his worldview, and as you can imagine, 17th century Europe, not the most receptive to his ideas. However, he continues to be very influential. Now, it's actually it's quite a few adherence in, in the modern world, and his ideas are a lot more compatible with a lot of modern takes on on religion. He was a little bit deterministic. In his belief system, the idea of freewill was kind of silly or arbitrary, or even the idea of praying to a God was kind of ridiculous to him, because in a sense, what you're doing when you're praying to God is asking for intervention. You're asking for God to take a special favor upon you to change the natural laws, as they were are as they are, because according to Spinoza, they are everything that's happening. Everything that is is a product of nature, and natural law and natural law is God. So why would God do? Why would a god contradicted itself by making special exceptions for individuals. So I mean, I'm not a I'm not a philosopher or Spinoza, expert, sort of the gist. But I think you can see the pretty strong signature of Jupiter in Taurus, on what those Sagittarius planets are espousing to the world. And he had a lot of other ideas, you know about money and living a good life, you know, not taking too much not being too greedy, blahdy blahdy blah, you can read about Spinoza yourself, or watch a YouTube video about it. I'm sure there are plenty. But you can see how Spinoza with Jupiter and Taurus wasn't trying necessarily to look beyond the world as it was to find God. You know, he found it around him every day, in every moment. And every person and every object, which while you could say is not very spiritual, maybe or very elevating, I don't know, I think it's kind of awesome like that. It's all just right here. You


don't have to go on a big quest. You don't have to go to a church. You don't have to go through a bunch of rituals, a bunch of sacrifices. You just have to live and observe the world around you. And you're you're chillin with God. Right? You're in heaven. Because everything that is is divine, right. Yeah, interesting guy. Interesting philosophy, definitely check them out. That I'll set Spinoza aside for now, I'll probably end up discussing him more in depth in the exploration of Jupiter through the decades. But I want to wrap things up here, because I know that this videos gotta be well beyond the hour marker at this point. But I'll wrap things up with a theme I encountered. That kind of surprised me that took me a while to figure out why this theme was so loud and prominent in charts of people with Jupiter in Taurus. And that's in part why this video is not being released on the day of the ingress because I had to sit with it for a while because it was too loud to ignore. But I didn't get it until now. And that is this theme around the study of language of linguistics that just came up over and over and over again, with Jupiter in Taurus. So maybe to clarify a little bit. This isn't the study of like many languages in order to be proficient in speaking languages with lots of people, necessarily, this is the study of the structure of language, essentially, it showed up in different ways, you know, lives, a lot of linguistic anthropologists, linguistic philosophers, but just over and over and over again, chart after chart Jupiter and tourists of people who, for whom the study of language and linguistics was a key component of their work in the world. You know, such a loud theme, right? And the reason that I struggled with it was because, you know, language mercury, right? Idea of conveying information through the medium of symbolic sounds, right? It's mercury and things like intuitively like the understanding of language, as a whole, would be more of like a Mercury Jupiter thing, you know, what is language mean? Was it mean to, to have language. However, after I spent time thinking about it, and spent a little more time with the work of some of the the Jupiter and tourists, linguistic experts, it started to make more and more sense to me. And the big part of it is that the focus on language, it's understanding the role of language, in terms of defining culture. Linguistic Anthropology, specifically, which I flirted with, briefly in college with majoring in is essentially that it's the study of the role that language has in defining cultural groups, even how it defines the way cultures construct ideas, or perceive the world and interact with the world and perceive others and each other, which is very, Venus Jupiter. I mean, in general, it's very Jupiter where you're, you are going to tend to see that that larger scale unification rather than Venus's more interpersonal unification, but where the real substance of of that large scale unification takes place. is in the the individual exchanges between people? And how do we do that through language. And I'm going to focus a little bit just on Noam Chomsky, largely because he's the kind of the loudest example, the most clear example, but also probably the most well known Jupiter in Taurus, linguist. And that's not familiar with Noam Chomsky, he is a professor of linguistics. It's been around for a long time. You look them up on YouTube, you'll find interviews with him from the 70s, maybe earlier, and he's got a compass chart. He's a Sagittarius rising with a big old stack of planets in Sagittarius, which, while Jupiter in Taurus rules is the Ascendant is not particularly loud, by itself from the sixth house, again, kind of like Spinoza we have a bunch of Sagittarius planets in a much more prominent position, who are looking to Jupiter for all the ideas and, you know, truths that want to be expressed through the Sagittarius planets, those are all coming from from Jupiter in Taurus. And so, essentially, Noam Chomsky is expertise in sort of title, you could say is, professor of linguistics, is written about taut and sort of bases his life and studies on the study of language and understanding, you know, the ins and outs of language and even what the limits are of what we actually know about language, and what how it works and what it does, and what it even is, but a lot of what he's known for isn't even about linguistics at all, is because he sort of use that understanding of language as maybe sort of a baseline or springboard for an understanding of, of just how people work, or how societies work and how cultures work. And more notably with them, probably the most well known work is book Manufacturing Consent, which I couldn't even begin to explain, but it basically, he breaks down how, you know, capitalism works in an American society, and and, you know, the Western culture in general, and just in the world system, you know, what is the state of the world and the people's relationships with each other? And how does the flow of goods and, you know, consumption and demand, greed and power, you know, how do all those things kind of come together to define, you know, the state of how things are and how things work. And I highly recommend Manufacturing Consent, had a big role to play in what made me want to study linguistics, or when I was in college, but I just want to maybe refer to some of his ideas about language, to maybe help highlight why help illustrate why this is Jupiter, right. And Jupiter in Taurus. When you listen to Noam Chomsky, talk about what language is, especially earlier on, he's he's kind of like, we can't even define what language is we couldn't even define what a word is, rather than it being a thing. It's, it's, he kind of saw it as sees it as just sort of function of biology, just something internal, instinctive in humans, because you know, if you were to try to explain what a word is, to a being that didn't have the capacity to understand human language, it would be just an impossible thing to do, you would need words to explain what the words mean. And that take on language is interesting, because it sort of takes our understanding away from the Mercurial in the sense, that sort of this means this, this means this, this means this, it's still that, you know, it's still, that's a component, and we'll explore maybe the Mercurial component a bit more in the decades. But his sort of construction of language is this much more organic thing, or the conception of, of languages is much more organic thing that just sort of is, and it's constantly evolving and is actually quite impossible to to define. It's not really a category, you know, the Spanish language, when you really examine, you know, Spanish as a language, the actual composition of the body, people who say they speak Spanish, probably speak a lot different versions of Spanish, and there's a kind of blurry lines around where Spanish ends and maybe some other languages begin. But it's also a constantly evolving and changing thing. You know, what to Spanish today is different from Spanish 100 years ago, and granted, he's got a Mercury that's doing a thing in his chart. I won't dive into but this goes beyond just Noam Chomsky, he just kind of did it. The the mostest. This idea of language is an organic process that is sort of a product of the growth of the brain, and is the thing that you can see and experience. But it's also the thing that changes all the time. And it's also the thing that creates harmony between people. That creates understanding, because if you share a set a common set of symbols with another person, you can talk to them, and pretty reliably assume that they're going to understand you, and you can come to a chord easily. But you know, if you're talking to somebody who has a different set of symbols, or a different conception behind what the same sound or same gesture is supposed to mean it's very easy to offend each other, and thus, create conflict. It's maybe whether the Shire folk, right they like, they like the hobbits to be like home, because everybody's familiar, speaks the same language, and they don't want to leave. Because outside is where, you know, people aren't necessarily going to understand them. And even other people coming outside, bringing in new ideas, shaking things up, you know, that's like a, like an uneasy thing in the Shaka in Taurus land, but even just getting away from the Shire thing.


It's a kind of a function of just how people work, in terms of the way cultures develop, in order to kind of facilitate these harmonious exchanges between individuals. And both in larger groups, you know, I think it what makes sense about it to me is that when you're getting into the real nitty gritty of language, it's hard to pull apart, pull apart the Jupiter from the Venus, you're really getting into territory that they both deal with, rather extensively. You know, I'll have to see what other placements might correspond to the study of linguistics outside of Jupiter in Taurus, because I'm sure it's not the sole domain of Jupiter and tourists, but it's an interesting theme. But one of the things Noam Chomsky said about language, and I'm going to just, I'm paraphrasing it, because it was a lengthy statement. But it was more or less the language represents the cultural wealth of other people, much of culture is a sort of playing games with language, and creating elaborate kinship systems, most of which have little functional utility. But it's just the creative mind at work. So it's, it's kind of, I don't know, like, language is sort of this, rather than it being a sort of rigid and categorical thing, like maybe with mercury, you know, it's something that's always in flux, and it's kind of this creative act, but he also talked about how language systems define the kind of art that that you can do, you know, we build expectations, around aesthetic forms and ideals through language, and we rely on on those sort of structures and systems to create art. And we explained it as like, you know, we don't write poems is just sort of a bunch of words thrown on the page, you know, there's a format, there's, like, oh, this many syllables, this many words, these, you know, need to sound the same similar, and this parts, you know, their structure and form that we all sort of follow, that supports the the art, but also, you know, inhibits the art to some degree to, but art is basically, you know, a product of culture of that sort of big human soup. And, yeah, Lang language just ends up being a way for Jupiter to do to address and focus on maybe the subtle, but foundational components of, of life, you know, if you understand language, and how it works, you understand how essentially people work, you understand, you know, the coding that people are operating with, the sorts of things that make them tick, and the sorts of things that make them do this, or that. And with that information, you can potentially teach people a better way, or become aware of, of both how we maintain cohesiveness, as a society for good and bad, but also how we might cultivate a better way. We can look at Jupiter and tourists and see a planet that has no dig no diggity. No. Not much to work with just kind of awkward and, you know, Gandalf romping around the Shire kind of out of place, but getting Jupiter applying Jupiter to something that it's not necessarily super comfortable with. You can kind of see how there might be some utility in that. Something might be special about that. Because while you can Sagittarius we've a very coherent belief system and inspire people and galvanize, you know, action, create more sort of big movements in society geared towards a specific outcome, you know, launching the arrow right now hitting the target Jupiter and tourists has maybe a capacity to, to examine life and human nature, from a kind of ground level up sort of capacity to understand human in their natural, their natural habitat. Because it's all the earth signs have a way of relating to sort of environmental, physical material embodied way of relating to the world. But with Jupiter or with tourists, you're mainly looking at the carrots, right? The things that people just do, because it feels comfortable, and it feels good. Because they are attracted to it, they're drawn to it, you know, a bee is always going to be drawn to flowers. Does the bee know why? I don't know. Maybe we don't really no, but presumably, the bee just, you know, smells, the flower, smells, good, gathers, it's the nectar, whatever, from the flower, and, you know, brings it back to the hive, because that's what feels good and natural to the bee, a bee does necessarily realize it's also part of this bigger process, you know, it's not really thinking necessarily about the pollen, that it's getting on it and dropping off at other flowers, you know, and that he doesn't necessarily need to know that the bee will likely continue to do that, whether he knows it or not. But if you're, you know, a conscious be looking out for the interests of all of the kind. And you're able to identify ways in which those patterns for the bees are problematic, you know, or, or do you want to, you know, level up bees place in the world, you want to maybe harness some of those instincts, understand them so that you can direct them towards other activities perhaps, or like with people and language, right? We spend enough time with these kind of fundamental structures are the kinds of changes you might make with that information aren't the big, make a big immediate splash in the world, but rather, like if you were to select certain plants in your garden for replanting, right, which believe I've heard that, it's often said that corn is the first genetically modified food, not because, you know, we injected it with artificial DNA, but because we selected it over 1000s of years. And the corn that we have today is nothing like the corn that we had 1000s of years ago, and I think even hundreds of years ago, similar with bananas, too, right? But you don't see those changes immediately, right, you gotta plant those specially selected seeds, let the next crop grow, and then select some from that one and let those grow. And over a long period of time, you get something that is fundamentally different, like structurally like edits being on a material physical level that has its own, you know, inherent value, I don't think that's something that you can quite do in the same way with Jupiter, or maybe in a fire sign or maybe in a exalted in a or dignified in a water sign. Or, you know, I think that's maybe one way to approach Jupiter in Taurus, if you have it in your birth chart is understanding that's the kind of way that your Jupiter works, it's going to work slow. It's going to work subtle, but more foundational, more fundamental, says, you know, changing your, your diet, establishing a more coherent routine, right, that supports your body, which you know, after you get enough sleep, after you've eaten enough salad, and laid off the potato chips for a few weeks, you start to feel really good. And yeah, your life is different, not in a big visible way, but in a fundamental and subtle way that makes it possible for you to to change your life in bigger ways from that point, sort of starts from from that level. And if you're looking at Jupiter, you know is transiting in a particular part of your chart, you know, Jupiter is here to help. But that's the kind of help that Jupiter maybe has to offer, which may not be the manna from heaven that we're like, hoping for with Jupiter. Jupiter is not going to you know, fly in with a cape or the big motivational speech to galvanize you to action like it didn't Aries it's going to examine your life or help you examine your life, that area of your life and pay attention to the subtle but foundational elements of it and how some small tweaks here and a couple tweaks here might result in a much more sustainable, smoother running happier little mini Shire, you know in that part of your life and you know stop and appreciate what's what's just good about what is you know, Jupiter in Taurus can maybe help bring our attention a little more to towards appreciating what what may already be an existing feature of our life that when we're caught up in the the rapid pace of things we don't really get a chance to stop Enjoy, there may be a lot of wisdom to be gained from simplifying things, slowing down, appreciating what what is and what you have. And maybe not feeding parts of your life that you don't want, right? If you have weeds growing in your garden, you don't put Miracle Grow on those parts. You don't put a Miracle Gro on the weed patches, right you put it on the areas of the garden, you want to grow, poison the weeds, right? Or, you know, maybe you just ignore them, and maybe they go away. I don't know, I'm not a gardener, to be honest with you. But point being, there's a lot to be said for just feeding the parts of your life that you do like so that they get bigger, and stronger. And just not feeding stuff you don't like so much. You know, be stubborn, be a stubborn Jupiter. Just do the things that you like, and you'll you'll probably get more of them. And yeah, with that I'm done.


I cut myself off, and I wrap it up for today. Be sure to check out Patreon that is launching may 22 Find more lengthy versions of some of the planet design videos that I've done recently. Where we explore in depth, the deck ends the planets in each of the 10 degree subdivisions of the science, which gives you a real deeper understanding of of the different ways that a planet can express itself in in one sign, you can see how big of a difference these dragons actually make. But it also helps understand just what the nature of of the sign is as a whole the planet in the sign as a whole. By understanding its its its parts more thoroughly. It's easier to understand the car as a holistic object when you know how its engine works. If you're into that sort of thing. So it's not cars, it's astrology. So if you want to get into the mechanics, get covered in oil and grease with astrology, check out the Patreon and enjoy the video. Like subscribe. You can book a reading with me through my website, Kyle Pierce astrologer.com We can get our hands dirty and greasy, sort of take apart and put back together your chart. And if you happen to be going to attending nor wack this May of 2023 Thanks to a rather unexpected and very generous scholarship that I won through ESR I will be attending this year very excited. But if you happen to be going don't hesitate to say hello, this is my Jupiter return so I want to I want to expand my world and meet new people. But yeah, thank you all so much for watching, commenting, subscribing, all that all that that stuff. It really means the world to me even if I wasn't clever enough in the moment of me reading your comment for me to come up with a response or I was busy or something I am interested and I love hearing what you all have to say. So that caller tonight happy Jupiter in Taurus and see you next time

Kyle Pierce

I am a professional astrologer and podcaster. My work is based primarily on Hellenistic/traditional techniques, but my interpretation incorporates a modern perspective. I host the podcast Killer Cosmos, Astrology Hotline and Co-Host Wandering Stars. You can find out more about my podcasts, blog and consultations at www.kylepierceastrologer.com.


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