Mars and Jupiter in Aries

May 24th - July 4th, 2022

There are times when opportunity knocks, and it’s up to you to answer the door. Then there are times when it bursts through the wall….

This is the essence of how mars and Jupiter are showing up to the house Aries falls on in your birth chart.

With an unmistakable purity of being and relentless enthusiasm, The Kool-Aid man expresses his nature with overwhelming authenticity. Who and what he is in perfect unity with his singular mission in world. There can be no question that this liquid messiah brings with him something profound and momentous, proportional to the dramatic nature of his arrival.

The Kool-Aid man is a physical embodiment of what he brings to the party. a revelation of flavor that promises deliverance from dehydration, and refreshment that Transends the dull landscape of mediocre beverages that fail to quench your thirsty spirit.

The raw and unapologetic nature of the Kool-Aid man is so pure and true that we instinctively do not judge his behavior within the parameters of socially acceptable behavior. He is a law unto himself, a force of nature that imposes his reality on the world around him.

When the Kool-Aid Man explodes into the Aries house in your chart, your reaction to his arrival may depend on the degree to which you are thirstier than you are responsible for the wall he just blasted in through. And at face value, it may be difficult to see how any amount of sugar infused water can compensate for the destruction he brings. But that could potentially be a misunderstanding of what is on offer.

The Kool-Aid man doesn't blast through walls to give you sugar water; he blasts through walls to give you himself.

I've never met anyone who did not want to change some facet of themselves, their circumstances, or their lives. We tend to look to events in the world around us to verify where we stand relative to the change we want to see, to give us permission to change the story we tell. The Kool-Aid man blasts through the wall to signal to you that the bold red juice he offers is more then just a tasty, refreshing beverage. Its an invigorating. life-affirming, paradigm shifting experience, an unfiltered expression of his very essence. He wants to share himself with you, he wants to exceed your expectations, he wants to change your life. The wall just got in the way.

Whether the Kool-Aid man is you, someone else, or just the flavor of energy being injected into your experience, don't be afraid to "ride the wave" and see where it takes you. You may Just want to keep the walls you blast through of a primarily metaphorical nature.

Kyle Pierce

I am a professional astrologer and podcaster. My work is based primarily on Hellenistic/traditional techniques, but my interpretation incorporates a modern perspective. I host the podcast Killer Cosmos, Astrology Hotline and Co-Host Wandering Stars. You can find out more about my podcasts, blog and consultations at

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