New Moon in Leo -8/8/2021-

“I’ll be gone ‘till November” (or December, but who’s counting)

This is the second in a rare three part series of lunations taking place on the Leo-Aquarius axis, emphasizing the themes of this period of the astrological year as especially significant. The spirit crushing grind of the Mars-Saturn opposition has past, and Jupiter has returned to Aquarius to help clean up the mess. But Jupiter’s help comes at the cost of the buoyancy and optimistic spirit of his short but sweet stay in Pisces. It’s all hands on deck now, as the sailors return from shore leave, and there will be no more parades until the war is won. Jupiter’s brief dip into Pisces offered a much needed morale boost, a reminder of what it is we’re fighting for. As we face the come-down from our high expectations, we may have to set aside the desires of today for the necessities of tomorrow. Periods of rapid growth, often require a period of contraction, pulling back to consolidate the gains that have been made. This can feel like a set back, but it is this retraction phase that keeps you from overextending yourself.

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You may know now more clearly then ever how it is you would like things to be, but getting there may require some serious reevaluation. Solutions are available once you can accept that a problem exists, however it may challenge what you once held to be true. You may not like the taste of the medicine on offer, especially if the treatment plan is long term. Uranus squaring this lunation may make it especially tempting to rebel against the doctors orders, but it can also be a source of inspiration for finding new ways to shine and prosper within the restrictions imposed by Saturn. But there are many ways to make limitation a personal statement of good sense and style, if you don’t believe me, just run a search for ‘diet plans’ online.


It often only takes some simple re-framing to make hard choices more palatable. How can you take pride in the ways you show restraint? Can you accept limitation for the collaborator that it is? If you’re feeling blocked, you may find practicing some shadowplay to be a helpful creative exercise. Most people can remember the wondrous childhood discovery of being able to project a barking dog or quacking duck on the wall by simply arranging your fingers in the proper shape and holding you hand in front of a flashlight. While for most of us our standards of entertainment have risen somewhat with age, this simple but ancient art form demonstrates how obstruction can be used in the creative process. If necessity is the mother of invention, then creative vision is its father. Perhaps some obstruction is exactly what you need to see that big idea of yours projected into the world.

Kyle Pierce

I am a professional astrologer and podcaster. My work is based primarily on Hellenistic/traditional techniques, but my interpretation incorporates a modern perspective. I host the podcast Killer Cosmos, Astrology Hotline and Co-Host Wandering Stars. You can find out more about my podcasts, blog and consultations at

Full Moon in Aquarius 2.0 -8/22/2021-


Full Moon in Aquarius - 7/24/21-