Full Moon in Aquarius - 7/24/21-

In the simplest sense, the luminaries draw our attention toward the themes and topics described by the Leo-Aquarius axis. This axis has already been heavily emphasized over the month of July, so the light being shed here should offer some welcome insight and clarity. Mars, egged on by a square from Uranus in Taurus, has been attempting to carve a path of glory through the sign of Leo since late June. Mars came to have all bare witness as he made his grand entrance, and watch in awe as he planted his flag in the ground. But Mars found no fanfare waiting for him in the sign of Leo, no one eagerly waiting to place a crown on his head. There were no quick conquests either, his enemies did not simply crumble and surrender their kingdoms to him. Saturn, all powerful in the sign of Aquarius, was ready and waiting to counter Mars by means of his favorite aspect, the opposition. If Mars wanted a throne, he would have to carve it out sliver by sliver, battle by battle, in a grueling slog fest.


Saturn in its diurnal sign of Aquarius is Saturn at its most progressive and forward looking. Saturn in Aquarius seeks to reform and innovate, but knows that you can not build a better tomorrow, without a healthy respect for that which has already been established. Success and achievement come as the result of sustained effort, and should be measured in terms of their benefit to the collective interest. To Saturn, Mars looks like an ego-maniacal upstart, blustering and elbowing their way onto the scene. If Mars wants a place in the limelight, they must go through the proper channels like everyone else, and only if their merit matches the shine of their armor.

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The month of July may have left many feeling frustrated by a lack of forward movement, perhaps even imbuing some with a pervasive sense of defeat. Motivation may be in short supply, as you may be feeling that your hard work goes unacknowledged, and competing for the recognition you crave seems like an exercise in futility. Perhaps now is the time to make a sober assessment of your expectations, and what it is you are and are not entitled too. Are your goals unrealistic and your efforts a pointless struggle, or are you just putting the cart before the horse? Media offers us no shortage of examples of whatever particular version of success it is we seek, and from the outside looking in the achievements of our role modals can sometimes appear to come to them as naturally and effortlessly as breathing. And while we may know intellectually that this is not true, sometimes the gap between where we are, and where we want to be can seem so vast that we assume that anyone who got there must have found a short cut. The path to success is rarely a straight line, neither is it usually flat. It may feel like you just climbed a mountain, at the top of which you expected to see your final destination waiting for you, but when you got there all you found was a seemingly endless landscape of peaks and valleys ahead.


And if you feel like giving up, like the tasks ahead of you are so imposing and insurmountable that you couldn’t possibly go on, that’s OK, maybe you just need to rest. Sometimes the act of throwing in the towel gives us a chance to remember why we picked it up in the first place. But often its not until the towel is gone, picked up by someone else, that we recognize the value of its soft absorbing fibers. So maybe instead of throwing in the towel, try hanging it up and letting it dry off, even putting your name on it, just in case you want to pick it up again latter.

Kyle Pierce

I am a professional astrologer and podcaster. My work is based primarily on Hellenistic/traditional techniques, but my interpretation incorporates a modern perspective. I host the podcast Killer Cosmos, Astrology Hotline and Co-Host Wandering Stars. You can find out more about my podcasts, blog and consultations at www.kylepierceastrologer.com.


New Moon in Leo -8/8/2021-


New Moon In Taurus -5/11/21-