New Moon in Cancer -6/28/22-
Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

New Moon in Cancer -6/28/22-

This New Moon Cancer features a tight square with Jupiter in Aries. The well-meaning nature of the planets involved in this square softens the harsher nature of the aspect, but Jupiter is nonetheless demanding something from this New Moon. Jupiter is a planet of abundance, wisdom and justice. In Aries, Jupiter becomes a bold and audacious activist, never afraid to kick the door down to advocate on behalf of what they believe to be right and true. Jupiter in Aries wants you to confidently stand up for what is rightfully yours, but perhaps with some healthy consideration for the rights of others, and a little bit of tact and charm given Jupiter’s sextile with Venus in Gemini. The luminaries may be a little reluctant to break their cushy summer plans, but Jupiter’s message strikes a chord with both the Sun and the Moon.

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