New Moon in Cancer -6/28/22-

New Moon’s represent the beginning of a cycle and are typically good times to initiate important endeavors. Symbolically, the moon represents the cool, wet container that serves as a vehicle for spirit. Think of being in your car on a cold winter day, when you take a deep breath out you can see the steam of your breath in the air briefly until it disperses. But when it encounters, say, your driver’s side window, that breath becomes condensation that obscures your view, or allows you to draw a little smiley face on it. That’s the Moon.

A New Moon in the sign of Cancer is a particularly potent vessel for bringing into being killer window fog art, as well as any number of other auspicious undertakings. This is the Moon in its home sign after all, and the first New Moon after the Summer Solstice when the days are longest and the Sun’s reign over the daytime hours is at its height in the northern hemisphere. It is a time of year when most children are out of school for summer vacation and invigorated with the promise of many weeks of sunny days filed with popsicles, water balloon fights and roasted marshmallows. The world is ripe with possibility as the rich bounty of summer stretches before us with near endless ways to connect with the world around us and the people we care about most.

But in real life, it is rare that things are quite so straight forward. Just as there are always other planets working with or against the luminaries in various ways during any lunation, our ability to kick back and bask in summer glory is always in competition with the many demands of our day-to-day lives. And this one, sadly, is no different.

This New Moon features a tight square with Jupiter in Aries.

The well-meaning nature of the planets involved in this square softens the harsher nature of the aspect, but Jupiter is nonetheless demanding something from this Lunation. In Aries, Jupiter becomes a bold and audacious activist, never afraid to kick the door down to advocate on behalf of what they believe to be right and true. Jupiter in Aries wants you to confidently stand up for what is rightfully yours, but perhaps with some healthy consideration for the rights of others, and a little bit of tact and charm given Jupiter’s sextile with Venus in Gemini.

The luminaries may be a little reluctant to break their cushy summer plans, but Jupiter’s message strikes a chord with both the Sun and the Moon. Jupiter is in the sign of the Sun’s Exaltation and can find the wisdom in balancing the desire to go all in on the grand vision with the need to maintain focus on the immediate concerns and interests of those in their personal circle. Similarly, the Moon can see how Jupiter’s demand to break out of their comfort zone can make for greater security and stability for them and theirs in the long term. This may mean turning a business trip into a family vacation, taking the kids to a protest rally, or holding a few poolside zoom meetings. While this may not be anyone’s most relaxing summer, including your loved ones in on your activities in the wider world and your setbacks and triumphs within it, may just bring you closer together.

You will want to make sure your home base is solid over the next several days. As the Moon begins to gain in light it will hit a less friendly square with Mars in Aries. Facing setbacks as we’re just getting things off the ground can be disheartening, and even make us want to give up, but the people you fight for are also the people that you must lean on in times of hardship. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with the people who depend on you, they need to feel needed too.

Kyle Pierce

I am a professional astrologer and podcaster. My work is based primarily on Hellenistic/traditional techniques, but my interpretation incorporates a modern perspective. I host the podcast Killer Cosmos, Astrology Hotline and Co-Host Wandering Stars. You can find out more about my podcasts, blog and consultations at

Building a Better Birth Chart - A Practical Guide to Planetary Remediation


Sun in Gemini