Full Moon in Scorpio -4/26/21-

“Here comes the rain again”

Art by Chevron Lowery

Art by Chevron Lowery

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
— 'Roy Batty' (Rutger Hauer) in the film Blade Runner

This is the last of a series of three lunations in which mars has played a critical role. During the previous new moon in Aries, Mars ruled both lights, but similar to last month’s full moon, Venus is collaborating as host of the Sun in Taurus. This time however, Mars is as much subject to the Moon, as the Moon is to Mars, and neither of them like it. Both Mars and the Moon are in the signs of their fall, Cancer and Scorpio respectively, and while the resulting mutual reception presents a unique opportunity to confront and come to terms with any long buried emotional trauma that has hindered progress in the past, this sijorn into the underworld will come as an welcome disruption for many who had only recently gained clarity on how to move forward.

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Both Mars in Cancer and the Moon in Scorpio encounter a seeming paradoxical set of issues when in theses signs. On the one hand they are both in an element, Water, that is very much complimentary to their natural mode of expression. They are both in nocturnal signs (Earth or Water) and being both members of the nocturnal sect, enjoy a certain amount of “dignity” in all Earth and Water signs. They are not “weak” in sense of being powerless or lacking resources to enact their natural significations. What they are is in an environment which often brings out the more difficult and problematic elements of their nature. We might think of Cancer as a sign that represents the home and security, it is the Queen Mother’s palace, where she raises her children, tends her gardens, the place from which she enacts her agenda to nurture and provide for the needs of her Queendom. It’s already safe and secure. Scorpio on the other hand, is a place of known and unknown dangers, where motives are unclear, and the inevitability of death and decay are at the forefront of awareness. Mars takes a Warrior’s approach to life, and looks for enemies to fight where ever he is. Mars does not want to be doted on, or dressed in soft fabrics, or have to navigate the delicate and sensitive emotional environment of Cancer. Similarly, the Moon struggles to nurture and foster creation in an environment of consent danger, with the ever present knowledge that her ‘children’, both literal and symbolic, will inevitably die and pass away from physical existence. Mars looks to secure what is already safe, and the Moon looks for security where none exists. They are in a sense the answer to each others problem, but before they can be of any help to each other, they must come to terms with where they are.


The Full Moon represents culmination, the point in which the fruit of the tree is ripe and ready to be plucked and shared. With the Full Moon in Scorpio, there is a sense that the fruit that has grown is in someway unsafe, or perhaps even rotten. This may be a time where it is hard to find joy in our accomplishments. We may feel regret for the ways we were not cared for, or that we did not care for others the way we feel we should. We may question the purpose of our labors of love, and have to grapple with the sense of futility that comes with the knowledge of impermanence. When and if these feelings come, it is important to confront them. It may feel easier to indulge in the sensual pleasures offered by Venus in Taurus, rather then face the painful truths that have until now remained dormant within. This Full Moon asks us to acknowledge and reconcile the beauty and horror that is inherent in the cyclical nature of reality. You’re life will end, as well as those of everyone you know, and that knowledge can both spur you on toward cherishing every precious moment life has to offer, or rob you of your ability to enjoy any of it.

Kyle Pierce

I am a professional astrologer and podcaster. My work is based primarily on Hellenistic/traditional techniques, but my interpretation incorporates a modern perspective. I host the podcast Killer Cosmos, Astrology Hotline and Co-Host Wandering Stars. You can find out more about my podcasts, blog and consultations at www.kylepierceastrologer.com.


New Moon In Taurus -5/11/21-


New Moon in Aries -4/11/21-