New Moon in Aries -4/11/21-
“Don’t stop me now”
This high-octane lunation comes riding in on a cresting wave of enthusiasm as the Sun and Moon apply to sextiles with Jupiter in Aquarius and the lunation’s ruling planet, Mars in Gemini. Obsticles to progress are being cleared and workflows optimized. Mars is getting some distance from the dragons head, and the path forward seems increasingly clear as he also applies to a stabilizing and forward thinking trine with Jupiter. Mercury has emerged from the murky waters of Pisces, and joined the triumphal march through Aries. This represents both a dramatic improvement in Mercury’s condition, but also that of Mars. Now in eachother’s signs, Mars and Mercury have begun a powerful relationship with one another known as Mutual Reception, well lubricated by a smooth and productive sign based sextile. This is a strong and dynamic partnership, but not one that doesn’t come without a price. If Mercury is invited to the party, you can assume he will show up joined at the hip with Mars. This is a time for sharp and decisive communication, constructive criticism and lively debate. For those who delight in wordplay and verbal sparing, you are likely to find no shortage of worthy opponents.
It has been an eventful period for Mars and for those over whom Mars has influence. Mars is a planet of action, forceful energy and of course violence. Mars is classified as a malefic planet, and this designation is indeed an appropriate one, but one that has become a source of division and debate in modern astrology (how appropriate, right?). Much of what feeds both the tendency to be overly dismissive of Mars’s malefic nature and jump to strictly negative interpretations of what Mars signifies, is an inclination many have toward forgetting the essential role “violence” has in the existence of living beings. Life feeds on life. Whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan or consummate carnivore, EVERYTHING you eat is or at one time was, a living thing. The perpetuation of life is an ongoing act of violence, one that we can neither absolve ourselves from or neglect our responsibility to engage with responsibly. Mars is both predator and protector, and signifies both senseless acts of violence and chivalrous acts of courage. The distinction comes down to what the perimeters of the warrior Mars’ mission are, and which side of his sword you fall on.
The astrologer Robert Hand once described malefic planets as not inherently bad, but simply representing the energies or areas of life that are easy to get wrong. In The United States, the question of what to do when the Men and Women to whom we look to for protection, are in many instances harming and even killing the very citizens they are sworn to protect, has taken center stage. During Mars’ time in Gemini, the complexities, confusion and consequences surrounding the way we regulate (or fail to regulate) Mars have been put on display for anyone paying attention to see. As Mars enters the final degrees of Gemini and comes under the benific influence of Jupiter and Venus, there is an opportunity to see Justice served, but also for a more equitable and informed vision of reform to materialize. You may want to use this time to reflect on how you regulate the energy of Mars in your own life and how that may hinder or support the accomplishment of your own personal mission. Define your objectives, and don’t expect to see them actualized by enthusiasm alone, because when Mars falls in Cancer on April 23rd, some of us may find ourselves weighed down by unchecked emotional baggage, and personal or family matters may complicate and frustrate the pursuit of long terms goals.