New Moon in Cancer -6/28/22-
Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

New Moon in Cancer -6/28/22-

This New Moon Cancer features a tight square with Jupiter in Aries. The well-meaning nature of the planets involved in this square softens the harsher nature of the aspect, but Jupiter is nonetheless demanding something from this New Moon. Jupiter is a planet of abundance, wisdom and justice. In Aries, Jupiter becomes a bold and audacious activist, never afraid to kick the door down to advocate on behalf of what they believe to be right and true. Jupiter in Aries wants you to confidently stand up for what is rightfully yours, but perhaps with some healthy consideration for the rights of others, and a little bit of tact and charm given Jupiter’s sextile with Venus in Gemini. The luminaries may be a little reluctant to break their cushy summer plans, but Jupiter’s message strikes a chord with both the Sun and the Moon.

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Full Moon in Aquarius 2.0 -8/22/2021-
Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

Full Moon in Aquarius 2.0 -8/22/2021-

Sometimes, in the process of doing the noble work of owning our flaws, we beat ourselves down into helplessness. Saturn, being perhaps a bit too good at it’s job just now, can have a way of stripping off the fat necessary for building the muscle needed to get back on our feet. Fortunately, Jupiter’s re-appearance in the sign of Aquarius sends the luminaries off with a measured, but none-the-less welcome whiff of hope. It is all well and good to be precise in the assessment of the reality of a situation, but there’s nothing wrong greasing the wheels a little when you want that reality to change. Jupiter offers a healthy dose of potential to wash down all that reality with, and while expectations may have to be lowered, timelines extended and enthusiasm curbed, there is still enough fire within you to carry you through the night, however long it may be.

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      New Moon In Taurus       -5/11/21-
Kyle Pierce Kyle Pierce

New Moon In Taurus -5/11/21-

…the Buffalo herd of Taurus is moving uncharacteristically fast, a theme further emphasized by Venus’s recent ingress into sprightly Gemini. The usual grazing pastures won’t do in this radically shifting landscape, and we have to move fast if we want to capitalize on this rare opportunity to establish a new path to prosperity. There is in an undercurrent of chaos and unease as we are confronted with the need to expand outside our comfort zones.

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