Full Moon in Libra -3/28/21-

“Now look at me i’m sparkling'“

As the first lunation of the astrological new year, this full moon plays an important role in setting the tone for the year ahead. The sun is exalted in Aries, where crowns are not given out or handed down, but forged and won through force of will and triumphing over adversity. The Sun in Aries is like a young Julius Caesar, whose conquests earned him the admiration of the masses and power which rivaled and eventually eclipsed that of the ruling senate. Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, has taken the battle to the social and intellectual landscape of Gemini, where Mars sharpens his mind and tongue, and defeats his enemies with wit and cunning. Mars has completed a conjunction with the North Node, increasing the pace of his already frenetic activities toward something approaching full-on mania. The possibilities seem endless in a flood of new ideas. The spirit of ambition and the hunger for achievement are awakened as many paths reveal themselves.


The Moon is in Libra, an eager and receptive vessel for bringing new ideas into being. The scales she holds will be of great use with so many possibilities to weigh in the balance. At this moment, full of light and at the peak of her creative potential, she completes a grand air trine with Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. This is a rare moment of consensus, and there is an opportunity to lay down a new foundation for the future. With so much to consider, the Moon looks to Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, for final judgment.

Venus is in a unique position. Venus is in perfect conjunction with the Sun in Aries, a condition traditionally known as Cazimi, or “in the heart of the Sun.” Planets in conjunction with the Sun, or within around 15 degrees, are typically not visible and are referred to as combust, or under the beams. Traditionally, this was seen as a difficult condition for a planet to be in, as it is being symbolically burnt up, consumed but also purified by the Sun and hidden from view. When planets are Cazimi, however, they are believed to have special powers, as if they were “sitting on the lap of the King.” Venus is not typically at home in Aries. In a boxing match, you cannot subdue your opponent with charm, and football games are not resolved with compromises. In Libra, the scales are finely calibrated to ensure fairness and equity. In Aries, there is only one unit of measurement: Victory. However, Venus finds herself standing on the podium. She's in her own bound, her own special slice of Aries where love is the battlefield, and she always wins. The exalted Sun shares his hard-won power with Venus, and for a brief moment, this Queen in exile has found her power again.


This is a time when you may find the confidence and strength within to finally pursue a long-held dream or goal. It can be a mistake to believe that to pursue that which we want most in life is in some way selfish. We may judge ourselves unworthy of the things we want and subsequently acquiesce to the demands and desires of others. However, if you dare to “succumb” to your own “selfish desires,” you may be surprised that your own interests are more in alignment with others than you ever thought was possible. When we do not attend to our own heart's true desire, there is less of us left to bring to those we love. In loving ourselves enough to make ourselves happy, we both create a happier person for those around us to enjoy and relieve them of the obligation to do it for us. Many people mistake “self-love” for narcissism, when in fact the opposite is true. Narcissists are people without the slightest clue how to love themselves, let alone other people, and thus project the responsibility of maintaining their emotional well-being onto those around them. It is with that in mind that we may want to take a moment to consider what it is we want to achieve and why. What hungry part of ourselves is fed when we believe we have accomplished something? There is nothing more natural than to enjoy the praise of others. But anyone who has ever found themselves in the spotlight will tell you that for every moment they spent in the spotlight, there were 1000 in the dark, with heads down doing what needed to be done. The flash of inspiration, that sparkling moment of clarity, is among the most fetishized stages in the creative process. Enjoy the moment because what follows is the often unsexy work of birthing that vision into existence.

Kyle Pierce

I am a professional astrologer and podcaster. My work is based primarily on Hellenistic/traditional techniques, but my interpretation incorporates a modern perspective. I host the podcast Killer Cosmos, Astrology Hotline and Co-Host Wandering Stars. You can find out more about my podcasts, blog and consultations at www.kylepierceastrologer.com.


New Moon in Aries -4/11/21-


New Moon in Pisces -3/13/21 -